Q. Why are my voicemail email messages arriving slowly?

A. Sometimes if you experience a high volume of Live Answering / Virtual Receptionist voicemail messages by email, you might find that on occasions your email host will throttle (slow down) the speed at which emails can be delivered to your organisation.

To combat this, you need to add the sender email to your email system's White List / Safe Senders List.

  1. Open your organisations email configuration portal (you may need your IT support team to do this).
  2. Navigate to the White List / Safe Senders configuration screen.
  3. Enter the Call Dynamics noreply email '[email protected]' to the relevant lists.
    Note: In some email systems, the domain part of the email address may also need to be added to a safe domains list e.g @messaging.calldynamics.com.au
  4. Save the changes and check for resolution of the slow emails over time.